Sector : Meat

Destination Market: Vietnam

Information : Vietnam




In 2023 Ireland exported approximately 846 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €1.44 m

In 2022 Ireland exported approximately 1,756 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €2.52 m

In 2021 Ireland exported approximately 254 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €0.30 m

In 2020 Ireland exported approximately 938 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €1.21 m

In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 444 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €0.33 m

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 211 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €0.31 m


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Frozen Pigmeat and frozen pig offal.

CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: The certificate is for pork and pork products.


  • Exports can take place from slaughter cutting plants and cold stores that have been recommended by DAFM and approved by the Vietnamese authorities.  The list of approved slaughter cutting plants that are registered to export to Vietnam is available at  Approved_Plants_Vietnam
  • Origin – Meat must be derived from pigs born, reared, and slaughtered in Ireland.   Other specific conditions relating to farm disease freedom also apply.
  • Trader Notice Number MH 30/2014 refers:




In 2022-2023 no exports are recorded

In 2021 Ireland exported approximately 101 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €0.07 m

In 2020 no exports are recorded

In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 78 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €0.08 m

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 75 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €0.05 m


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Mainly frozen poultry cuts and offal other than liver) and fresh or chilled.

CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: We do not have a bilaterally agreed certificate for the export of Poultry meat to Vietnam.  That said, Vietnam seems to be one of the countries that accept exports of Poultry meat from Ireland based on the open poultry meat health certificate.

The export health certificate covers edible Poultry meat products.

EXPORTER T&C’S: The meat must satisfy the conditions set out in the open poultry meat health certificate and must be exported from a DAFM approved premises. 




In 2023 Ireland exported approximately 102 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.13m.

2020-2022 no trade recorded.

In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 82 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.19 m.

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 102 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.25 m.


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Edible meat of Ovine animals.

CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: We do not have a bilaterally agreed certificate for the export of Sheep meat to Vietnam. That said, Vietnam seems to be one of the countries that accept exports of Sheep meat from Ireland based on the general export health certificate.

The export health certificate covers edible Sheep meat products.

EXPORTER T&C’S: The meat must satisfy the conditions set out in the general export health certificate and must be exported from a DAFM approved premises.



TRADE:  No beef access for Vietnam


CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: Ireland does not have a bilaterally agreed certificate for the export of beef to Vietnam.