Sector : Meat

Destination Market: South Korea

Information : South Korea




In 2023 Ireland exported approximately 4,849 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €12.04 m

In 2022 Ireland exported approximately 10,423 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €27.76 m

In 2021 Ireland exported approximately 7,509 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €19.50 m

In 2020 Ireland exported approximately 2,788 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €7.84 m

In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 3,031 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €8.77 m

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 6,288 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €14.05 m


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Mainly fresh Pigmeat and frozen Pigmeat

CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: The certificate is for pork.


  • Exports can only take place from slaughter cutting plants and cold stores approved by DAFM, that have been recommended by DAFM and subsequently assessed, approved, and listed by both QIA and MFDS (South Korea) as meeting the Korean requirements for export of pigmeat/pigmeat by-products to South Korea.
  • Origin - Pigs must have been exclusively born, reared, and slaughtered in Ireland or imported from a country that is for the export of pork to South Korea and resident in the Republic of Ireland for more than 3 months prior to slaughter. Specific eligibility conditions regarding farm disease freedom also apply.
  • Other specific conditions e.g. regarding non-cominglement of ineligible pigs and pigmeat with eligible pigs and pigmeat for this trade, labelling and specific microbiological testing also apply.  
  • Further information is available in Trader notice number MH 23/2015 and Trader notice number MH 13/2016.
  • An information note on the main requirements for this trade is also available on request.