Sector : Meat

Destination Market: Australia

Information : Australia




In 2023 Ireland exported approximately 10,818 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €38.66m

In 2022 Ireland exported approximately 22,649 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €68.68 m

In 2021 Ireland exported approximately 15,184 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €46.58 m

In 2020 Ireland exported approximately 9,940 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €31.33 m

In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 7,573 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €24.39 m

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 6,670 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €18.02 m


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Mainly fresh or chilled Pigmeat and frozen Pigmeat.

CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: Uncooked deboned Pigmeat (excluding head and neck meat)


  • Exports can only take place from slaughter cutting plants approved by DAFM for export of Pigmeat to Australia. Cold Stores are eligible if they have agreed an SOP with the DAFM VI which addresses the Australian cold storage requirements for Pigmeat. 
  • Pigs must have been continuously resident in the Republic of Ireland since birth and slaughtered in Republic of Ireland.
  • Meat must not be derived from cranial to the fourth cervical vertebrae. Major peripheral lymph nodes include the popliteal, iliac, inguinal, axillary, ventral, middle and dorsal superficial cervical and those in the region of the head and neck must be removed.
  • Other specific conditions e.g. regarding non-cominglement of ineligible pigs and Pigmeat with eligible pigs and Pigmeat for this trade apply.   Further information is available in Trader notice number MH 15/2013 and Trader Notice MH29/2013:
  • The Pigmeat must be further processed on arrival in Australia at a processing establishment(s) that has/have entered into an agreement under Section 66(B) of Australia’s Quarantine Act, 1908.





Certification arrangements : Ireland does not have a bilaterally agreed certificate for the export of Beef to Australia.

EXPORTER T&C’S: No export of beef to Australia is currently permitted