Sector : Meat

Region Africa

Destination Market: South Africa

Information : South Africa

COUNTRY NAME: South Africa



There are two certificates for products within this category:

  1. A certificate for heat treated meat products for export to South Africa
  2. A certificate is for Pork products inactivated by heat and fermentation for export to South Africa



The conditions for heat treated meat products are as follows:

  • No age restriction
  • Origin – fresh meat or meat products, derived from animals born and reared in Ireland and were slaughtered at an establishment in the Ireland which is approved by DAFM for export purposes, or the meat was legally imported from facilities approved by the South African Director of Veterinary Services.   
  • The products must have been manufactured in meat products plants approved by DAFM. 
  • Specific conditions for products containing beef - the country of origin is officially free from BSE and scrapie; or the product does not contain any material of bovine, ovine or caprine origin.
  • Specific conditions for products containing poultrymeat - the country of origin is officially free from Newcastle Disease and highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) or has been subjected to a process to ensure inactivation of the NCD & HPAI viruses.
  • Specific conditions for products containing pigmeat - any fresh pig meat, used in the manufacture of these meat products, has been examined and found free from Trichinosis; OR the country is free from Trichinosis.


The conditions for Pork products inactivated by heat and fermentation are as follows:

  • The certificate is for Pork products inactivated by heat and fermentation for export to South Africa
  • No age restriction
  • Exports can take place from establishments approved by DAFM.
  • Origin –The products must derive from pigs that were born, reared in Ireland, and were slaughtered in Ireland.

Additional information

  • The product must not contain any material of bovine, ovine or caprine origin.
  • The products must not contain pig heads, thoracic viscera, or abdominal viscera.
  • The products have reached a pH of six (6) or lower.


The products have an Aw value of not more than 0.93.

  • The products are subject to certain specified treatments.
  • Trader Notice Number MH 4/2015 refers. 



In 2024 Ireland exported approximately 1,666 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €2.55m

In 2023 Ireland exported approximately 1,189 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €2.32m

In 2022 Ireland exported approximately 3,519 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €5.80 m

In 2021 Ireland exported approximately 1,912 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €3.39 m

In 2020 Ireland exported approximately 1,526 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €2.05 m

In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 274 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €0.37 m

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 878 tonnes of Pigmeat valued at €1.35 m


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Mainly frozen Pigmeat and frozen pig offal.

CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: Certain cuts deemed to carry a low risk of PRRS can be exported for unrestricted end use in South Africa. Other cuts must be heat treated on arrival in South Africa before being released for circulation.


There are two certificates for products within this category: 

A certificate for raw frozen pork cuts which are considered safe by the South African Director of Animal Health to be exported from the Republic of Ireland to South Africa for unrestricted sale. 

The conditions for this certificate are as follows: In order to be certified on this health certificate, the pork meat for unrestricted sale must be:

  • Exempted from post arrival processing requirements due to being lower risk products not requiring PRRS - related certification (Pork Heart, Pork Skins, Subcutaneous Pork fat, pork tails 


Bone-in or de-boned pork meat free of lymph nodes and excessive connective tissue as per the approved list of products (Pork Belly, Pork Loin, Pork Middle, Pork Tenderloin, Pork Loin Ribs, Pork Spareribs, Pork Leg Meat- Boneless Silverside, Pork Leg Meat –Boneless Topside, Pork Leg Meat – Pork- Boneless thick Flank).

  • Pork not meeting the above requirements is subject to further processing on arrival in South Africa and cannot be certified on this certificate.
  • Exports can only take place from slaughter and cutting plants approved by DAFM, recommended to the South African authorities, and subsequently listed by South African Authorities. The meat must only be stored in DAFM approved cold stores.  The cold stores, however, are not required to be listed by the South African Authorities.  
  • Origin of pork:   The pork must be sourced from pigs that were born, reared, and slaughtered in Ireland.  Other specific conditions relating to farm disease freedom also apply.
  • The full product description must be inserted on the health certificate, and it must match the description given on the South African Veterinary Import Permit
  • The main requirements for this trade and a sample copy of the health certificate along with the list of specified cuts that can be exported using this certificate and the related anatomical descriptions can be found in Trader Notice Number MH 10/2016 


 A certificate for fresh frozen pork meat including offal’s., trimmings, and mechanically recovered Pigmeat exported from the Republic of Ireland to South Africa for processing at approved facilities on arrival in South Africa. N.B. This certificate is to be used for export of any cuts of Pigmeat that do not meet the requirements for the export of fresh frozen pork for unrestricted sale in South Africa. The South African Authorities will attach a copy of the required certificate to the import permit. 

The conditions for this certificate are as follows:

  • Exports can only take place from slaughter and cutting plants approved by DAFM, recommended to the South African authorities, and subsequently listed by South African Authorities. The meat must only be stored in DAFM approved cold stores.  The cold stores, however, are not required to be listed by the South African Authorities
  • Origin of pork:   The pork must be sourced from pigs that were born, reared, and slaughtered in Ireland.  Other specific conditions relating to farm disease freedom also apply.
  • The main requirements for this trade can be found in Trader Notice Number MH 22/2013:



In 2024 Ireland exported approximately 3,247 tonnes of beef valued at €3.54m

In 2023 Ireland exported approximately 944 tonnes of beef valued at €1.05 m

In 2022 Ireland exported approximately 2,873 tonnes of beef valued at €4.25 m

In 2021 Ireland exported approximately 3,615 tonnes of beef valued at €4.25 m

In 2020 Ireland exported approximately 3,131 tonnes of beef valued at € 3.68 m

In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 2,299 tonnes of beef valued at €2.48 m

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 2,614 tonnes of beef valued at €3.01 m


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Mainly frozen bovine offal.


CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: The certificate is for frozen beef (deboned recognisable cuts) and offal (anatomically recognisable liver, heart, kidney, or reticulum)


  • The meat must be derived from animals born and raised in Ireland.
  • The meat establishment(s) must be on the list of approved establishments as notified by DAFM to the South African authorities.
  • Trader Notice no. 7/2017 and 11/2011 refer: 




In 2024 Ireland exported approximately 7,691 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €8.29m

In 2023 Ireland exported approximately 5776  tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €6.75 m

In 2022 Ireland exported approximately 129 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €0.14 m

In 2021 Ireland exported approximately 773 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €0.67 m

In 2020 Ireland exported approximately 33,957 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €31.61 m

In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 30,938 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €28.86 m

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 26.791 tonnes of Poultry meat valued at €29.20 m


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Mainly frozen poultry cuts and offal.

Part of current material appearing at

CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: The certificate is for Poultry meat (including mechanically recovered Poultry meat)


  • The meat establishment(s) must be on the list of approved establishments as notified by DAFM to the South African authorities. Information available at: Abattoirs (
  • The meat must be hatched, reared in the Republic of Ireland and slaughtered in the Republic of Ireland.
  • The meat must be obtained from poultry that were slaughtered and the meat handled/cut/packed at an abattoir and cutting plant approved by the National Executive Officer of South Africa.
  • The meat must comply with any testing requirements in the health certificate.
  • Any marinades/sauces that are used with or in the poultry meat must not contain ingredients of animal origin.
  • Trader Notice MH 04/2023 refers.  



CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: The certificate is a Composite Certificate for Whole Butter Basted Turkeys


  • The meat must be hatched, reared in the Republic of Ireland and slaughtered in the Republic of Ireland.
  • The meat must be obtained from poultry that were slaughtered and the meat handled/cut/packed at an abattoir and cutting plant approved by the National Executive Officer of South Africa.  Information available at: Abattoirs (
  • The meat must comply with any testing requirements in the health certificate.

In relation to the dairy aspect of the veterinary health certificate, the main conditions for the dairy product are:

  • The dairy product must be manufactured from cow’s milk obtained from holdings under official sanitary control in the Republic of Ireland.


  • The dairy and/or dairy-based products were legally imported into the exporting country, from a country authorised for Republic of South Africa.
  • The dairy and/or dairy-based products were processed at an establishment/facility officially approved for export by the Competent Authority of the Republic of Ireland (DAFM), AND/OR the competent authority in a country authorised by Republic of South Africa). 
  • The dairy product must not contain any products derived from animals other than dairy or dairy‑based products.
  •  Trader Notice MH 05/2023 refers.



In 2024 no exports were recorded

In 2023 Ireland exported approximately 76 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.12 m

In 2022 Ireland exported approximately 205 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.32 m

In 2021 Ireland exported approximately 96 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.20 m

In 2020 Ireland exported approximately 152 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.11 m

 In 2019 Ireland exported approximately 382 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.30 m

In 2018 Ireland exported approximately 708 tonnes of Sheep meat valued at €0.57 m


PRODUCTS EXPORTED: Exclusively sheep offal.


CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS: The certificate is for frozen mutton (deboned recognisable cuts)


  • No age restriction
  • The meat establishment(s) must be on the list of approved establishments as notified by DAFM to the South African authorities.
  • Trader notice no. 34/2012 refers: